Podstawy wymiany ciepła: praktyczne zastosowanie termicznej stałej czasowej
An introduction to heat transfer: the practical use of thermal time constants
G. De Mey and B. Wiecek (wykład w języku angielskim z tłumaczeniem)

    Heat transfer is usually modelled as a steady state problem. One finds the insulation value a wall and a window to find out how much energy will be needed for heating during the winter. However, in practice these phenomenon are time dependent as well. It is well known that heating a building takes some time. What information can be gained is one knowns the time constant?
    The thermal resistance is a well known quantity. Thermal capacitance is not that frequently used. From the knowledge of thermal resistance and thermal capacitance the thermal time constant will be defined.
    The topic will be illustrated with the help of ... a cup of coffee. By measuring the thermal time constant, which is rather easy, and the calculation of the thermal capacitance it is possible to find the thermal resistance even without the use of any heating element.

Standaryzacja zobrazowań termalnych w medycynie
Standardisation Protocols for Infra Red Imaging in Medicine
F.Ring, K.Ammer

    The first principles required to achieve reliable use of infrared thermography in medicine, are attention to the following.
    Patient preparation, this entails supplying the patient with basic information of the nature of the examination, avoidance of activities that will have a significant effect on human body temperature such as exercise. Since thermal stability requires rest in a stable environment, most thermographic examinations require a period of rest in the laboratory ( ubicle) with relevant clothing removed to achieve a stable skin temperature.
    The environment, the examination room should be at a controlled temperature and stable humidity with adequate space for the equipment and the patient, allowing for up to 2 metres between the camera and the subject in certain cases. Avoidance of tungsten or sunlight are important to achieving even and controlled ambient temperatures usually between 20 and 240C.
    The thermal imaging camera should be checked for stability and drift free operation, where possible by reference to an external black body thermal radiator source. A suitable parallax free stand (not a tripod) is required for positioning the camera at different levels.
    Standard views for image capture are very important and a system for achieving this will be described.
    Image analysis, is again a source of variability and protocols to standardise this process are possible.
    Finally, attention to reporting the images and archiving all data are necessary for good practice.
    Special tests where stress is applied, which may be mechanical thermal or chemical can be used to investigate responses, some of which may be characteristic of some abnormalities in skin temperature or thermoregulation. An example of this is a cold stress test applied to the hands where Raynaud Phenomenon can be objectively evaluated.

Minkina W., Dudzik S.: "Termografia w podczerwieni - błędy i niepewności"

    W artykule przedstawiono zarys teorii błędów i niepewności występujących podczas bezstykowego pomiaru temperatury za pomocą kamery termowizyjnej. Wskazano na różnicę pomiędzy pojęciami błędu i niepewności. Dodatkowo przeprowadzono dyskusję źródeł powstawania błędów i niepewności w tego typu pomiarach. Zaprezentowano wyniki analizy niepewności metodš Monte Carlo dla wybranych warunków pomiaru. W pracy opisano autorskie oprogramowanie i zaprezentowano przykłady jego wykorzystania w wybranych sytuacjach pomiarowych, występujących w praktyce. Treść referatu odnosi się do monografii autorów pod tytułem: "Infrared Thermography - errors and uncertainties" będącej aktualnie w druku w wydawnictwie John Wiley & Sons.

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