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Media Patronage

Media Patronage
for medical sessions


Institute of Electronics
Faculty of Electrical, Electronic, Computer and Control Engineering
of the Technical University of Lodz, Poland


Faculty of Mining Surveying and Environmental Engineering
AGH University of Science and Technology, Krakow, Poland

The Quantitative Infrared Thermography (QIRT) conference is an international forum, which brings together specialists from industry and academia, who share an active interest in the latest developments of science, experimental practices and instrumentation, related to infrared thermography.

Following conferences in Paris (1992), Sorrento (1994), Stuttgart (1996), Lodz (1998), Reims (2000), Dubrovnik (2002), Brussels (2004), and Padova (2006), the 9th Quantitative InfraRed Thermography conference, QIRT2008, will take place on July 2-5, 2008 at the AGH University of Science and Technology, Krakow, Poland.

Concerning the QIRT, please consult the QIRT website.

QIRT Journal page:

QIRT 2006 page:


Please address inquiries to

Secretary of QIRT2008

Technical University of Lodz (TUL),
Institute of Electronics
Wólczańska 211/215,
PL 90-924 Łódź, Poland

Phone (+48) 42 631 2657, 2656, 2637
Fax (+48) 42 636 2238.

Wawel's cathedral; photo Artur Żyrkowski,
Municipality of Krakow, City Promotion and Marketing Office

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