P. Bison
Measuring thermophysical properties by IR thermography
A. Nowakowski
Advances of QIRT in medical diagnostics
M. Shepard
Advances in Flash Thermography for NDT and Materials Characterization
P. Baranowski, W. Mazurek
Chosen aspects of thermographic studies on detection of physiological disorders and mechanical defects in apples
P. Bison, A. Dragano, S. Rossi
Experimental evaluation of absorption coefficient of insulated vehicle sandwich panel
M. Broussely, G. Machin, R. Simpson, A. Cozzani, C. Gomez Hernandez
Application of IR thermography for quantitative temperature measurements in a Thermal-Vacuum Space Simulator
A. Bzymek, A. Czupryński, M. Fidali, W. Jamrozik, A. Timofiejczuk
Analysis of images recorded during welding processes
V. Chatziathanasiou, G. T. Andreou, D. P. Labridis
Thermal Analysis of an Installation Fault Concerning a Ripple Control Transformer
P. Corvaglia, A. Largo
IRT survey for the quality control of FRP reinforced r.c. structures
S. Dudzik
Calculation of the heat power consumption in the heat exchanger using artificial neural network
M. Fidali
An idea of continuous thermographic monitoring of machinery
N. Hots
Theoretical aspects of the integration of thermography and pyrometry methods
T. Kruczek
Particular applications of infrared thermography temperature measurements for diagnostics of overhead heat pipelines
A. Mazioud, L. Ibos, A. Khlaifi, J.F. Durastanti
Study of the heat generated by a rolling bearing degradation by IR thermography
J. Thevenet, M. Siroux, B. Desmet
Brake disc surface temperature measurement using a fiber optic two-color pyrometer
V. Vavilov, W. Swiderski
Inspecting localized moisture in building materials by applying surface and microwave heating
W. Wittchen, M. Niesler, M. Borecki, B. Zdonek
Application of thermovision method in analysing metallurgical processes
Biomedical applications
K. Ammer
The sensitivity of infrared imaging for diagnosing Raynaud´s phenomenon and for Thoracic Outlet Syndrome is depended on the method of temperature extraction from thermal images
K. Goździuk, T. Wolski, P. Baranowski, W. Mazurek, O. Kalisz, A. Rojowski
Application of thermography in curing oversweating
M. Kaczmarek
Thermal imaging and modelling of burned skin
O. Kalisz, M. Gerkowicz, T. Wolski, K. Goździuk, P. Baranowski, W. Mazurek
Thermographic evaluation of healing process on patients after surgery of cataract with the use of facoemulsyphication
D. Mikulska, R. Maleszka
Thermal imaging compared to dermoscopy in evaluation of skin melanocytic lesions
M. Moderhak, A. Nowakowski
Problems of 3D breast imaging
E.F.J. Ring, A. Jung, J. Zuber, P. Rutkowski, B. Kalicki, U. Bajwa
Detecting fever in polish children by infrared thermography
E.F.J. Ring, R. Vardasca, U. Bajwa
Monitoring Cooling Agents Applied to the Skin of Normal Subjects by Quantitative Thermal Imaging
The DICOM standard for medical thermal imaging
A. Sarah Nica, G. Mologhianu, A. Murgu, F. Ojoga, B. Sirghii, S. Ilie, A. Meila
Thermography Study of the Patient with Diabetic Foot Treated in a Rehabilitation Department
J.H. Tan, E.Y.K. Ng, R Acharya
Localization of eye and cornea on IR thermogram using genetic snake for early detection of eye disease
H. Trabelsi, M. Gantri, E. Sediki
A Near Infrared Radiation Model in a Biological Tissue
A. Trafarski, L. Różanski, A. Straburzynska - Lupa, P. Korman, W. Romanowski
The Quality of Diagnosis by IR Thermography as a Function of Thermal Stimulation in Chosen Medical Applications
B.G. Vainer, A.S. Moskalev
Heterogeneous thermograms: the methods of attack
A. Zalewska, G. Gralewicz, G. Owczarek, B. Więcek
Psoriatic lesion regression - thermographic evaluation
R. Vardasca, E.F.J. Ring, P. Plassmann, C.D. Jones
A case study on thermal image monitoring of hand stress during keyboard typing
M. Więcek, R. Strąkowski, T. Jakubowska, B. Więcek
Software for classification of thermal imaging for medical applications
Calibration and metrology
S. Dudzik, W. Minkina
Application of the numerical method for the propagation of distributions to the calculation of coverage intervals in the thermovision measurements
T. Piatkowski, H. Polakowski, N. Hots
Examination of metallic surfaces for IR gray body sources
Civil engineering
J.L. Bodnar, A. Szeflinski, J-C. Candoré, L. Ibos, M. Larbi Youcef, A. Mazioud, Y. Candau
Detection of insulation defaults in building structures by active infrared thermography
A. Colantonio, M. Theauvette
Specifying Infrared Services for Building Applications
J. Jaworski
The infrared thermography of buildings proceeding its surrounding and their thermal performance
M. Larbi Youcef, L. Ibos, A. Mazioud, Y. Candau, P. Brémond, M. Piro, A. Filloux
A non destructive method for diagnostic of insulated building walls using infrared thermography in real situation
M. Marchetti, S. Ludwig, J. Dumoulin, L. Ibos, A. Mazioud
Active Infrared Thermography for Non-Destructive Control for Detection of Defects in Asphalt Pavements
S. vaić, I. Boras, M. Andrassy, M. Sua
Characterization of subsurface defects in building envelope and flat roof structure by means of thermography supported by numerical simulation
A. Wróbel, T.Kisilewicz
Thermographic detection of thermal bridges - aims, possibilities and conditions
T. Toma, V. Barbu, S. Novac
Thermography Applied to the Efficency Development of Utilisation of the Energy in the Building Energetic
C. Allouis, F. Beretta
Fast Infrared Imaging to study burner fluctuations
I. Benko
Improvement of IR-emissivity of ceramic fibre by silicon carbide coating in furnaces
V.V. Ghiea (Ghia)
Research and testing methods for establishing of the fuel oil combustion flame emissivity
E. Popa, I. Pisa, S. Ignat, C. Ciobanu, M. Georgescu
Process technology concerning the integrated solid industrial waste management for the paper industry optimized by infrared approach
P. Pregowski, G. Goleniewski, W. Komosa, W. Korytkowski, S. Zwolenik
Dynamic, Multispectral-band IR Thermography Applications in the Petrochemical Furnaces
T. Prisecaru, C. Dica, M. Teodorescu, M. Prisecaru, L. Mihaescu
Experimental validation of an hho gas cutting flame cfd model
M. Strojnik, G. Paez
Temperature evolution during first millisecond after ignition in a gas stove
R. Thomas
Quantitative factors to consider during IR inspections of Power Transformers
Fluid dynamics
C.O. Asma, J. Thoemel, S. Paris, O. Chazot
Utilization of Infrared Thermography to Investigate Atmospheric Entry Aerothermodynamics of Space Vehicles at von Karman Institute
T. Astarita, R. Giordano, G.M. Carlomagno
Convective heat transfer around a wall mounted cylinder
J.C. Batsale, J.P. Lasserre, M. Varenne-Pellegrini, V. Desormiere, L. Authesserre, A. Descuns, G. Lamothe
Transient Heat Transfer in Rotating Cylinder - Thermography Measurement to Analyse Intense Heat Flux Distribution
J.M. Buchlin, R. Herrero, I. Horvath, Ph. Planquart
Thermal study of Flapping Jet by Infrared Thermography
T. Bury, T. Kruczek
Application of infrared thermography for validation of numerical analyses results of a finned cross-flow heat exchanger with non uniform flow of the agents
P. Reulet, D. Donjat, E. Divouron, E. Radenac, P. Millan
Infrared thermography analysis of the transient aerothermal evolution in a turbofan core compartment model
R. Ricci, S. Montelpare, G. Artipoli
Thermografic Analysis of Mechanical Disturbances Effects on Laminar Separation Bubble
T. Świątczak, R. Olbrycht, B. Więcek
Evaluation of convection cooling conditions using Fourier and wavelet analysis in lock-in thermography
C. T´Joen, A. Willockx, M. De Paepe
Infrared visualisation of flow within inclined louvered fins
A. Willockx, C. T´Joen, H.J. Steeman, H. Caniere, M. De Paepe
IR Temperature Measurements to Determine Fin Effectiveness of Longitudinal Fins
G. Sobieraj, P. Sierputowski, T. Kowalewski, K. Gumowski
Thermography in Aerodynamics
Image processing
G. Cardone, S. Discetti
Reconstruction of 3D Surface Temperature from IR images
M. Klein, A. Bendada, M. Pilla, C. Ibarra-Castanedo, X. Maldague
Enhancing Infrared Images Contrast for Pulsed Thermography
N.M. Nandhitha, N. Manoharan, B. Sheela Rani, B.Venkataraman, M.Vasudevan, P.Kalyana Sundaram, Baldev Raj
Wavelet based feature extraction algorithm for porosity and Lack of Penetration detection for On-line Monitoring in Gas Tungsten Arc Welding by IR Thermography in AISI 316 Stainless Steel
IR signature and recognition
G. Bieszczad, T. Sosnowski
Real-time mean-shift based tracker for thermal vision systems
M. Kastek, T. Piątkowski, H. Polakowski, T. Sosnowski
Methane detection in far infrared using multispectral IR camera
S. Milewski
Detection of small targets in maritime conditions
H. Madura, M. Dąbrowski, T. Sosnowski, P. Trzaskawka
Method of automatic recognition of helicopters flying at low altitudes
T. Sosnowski, H. Polakowski, R. Dulski
Modelling of IR images of sky and clouds
M. Zieliński
The measurements and simulations of the ship thermal signature
Microscale applications
M. Bednarek, J. Rybiński, T. Świetlik, P. Wiśniewski
Application of microscope thermography in the production technology of semiconductor lasers
L. Bodelot , L. Sabatier, E. Charkaluk, P. Dufrenoy
Optical and infrared coupled full-field measurements at a micrometric scale
O. Fudym, F. Sepulveda, J.C. Batsale, C. Pradere
Averaged field analysis for infrared images processing. Application to microscale thermal characterization
P. Ginet, J.-L. Battaglia, C. Pradere, C. Lucat
Quantitative infrared on screen-printed metallic electrothermal microactuators, comparison with a model
C. Hany, C. Pradere, J. Toutain, J.C. Batsale, M. Joanicot
A millifluidic calorimeter without contact for reaction enthalpy and kinetics measurements
J. Morikawa, E. Hayakawa, T. Eto, T. Hashimoto
Two-dimensional thermal analysis of organic materials by micro-scale thermography
J. Morikawa, E. Hayakawa, T. Hashimoto, C. Pradere, J. Toutain, J.C. Batsale
Micro-scale thermograhy of freezing biological cells in view of cryo-preservation
M.Bajorek, M.Kaczmarek
Numerical heat transfer model in skin burn depth simulations
D. Dović, S. Svaić, A. Galović
Estimating heat losses in solar collectors by IR thermography and numerical simulations
M. Felczak, B. Więcek
Application of genetic algorithms for electronic devices placement
M. Michalak, M. Felczak, B. Więcek
A new method of evaluation of thermal parameters of textile material
I. Szczygieł, A. Fic, T. Kruczek, A. Sachajdak
Verification of temperature distribution in the system for pad welding by means of infrared thermography
A. Gleiter, C. Spießberger, G. Busse
Phase Angle Thermography for depth resolved defect characterization
A. Gleiter, C. Spießberger, G. Busse
Thermography Data Fusion for Failure Analysis
L. Junyan, W. Yang, D. Jingmin, L. Hui, W. Zijun
Research on the IR Lock-in Thermography Based on the Image Sequence Processing for NDT
G. Mayr, B. Dietermayr, G. Hendorfer
Characterization of defects in curved CFRP samples using pulsed thermography and 3D Finite Element Simulation
A. Mendioroz, A. Salazar, F. Alonso, I. Sáez-Ocáriz
Crack characterization in metallic plates using vibrothermography
B. Oswald-Tranta
Time-dependent evaluation of inductive pulse heating measurements
R. Plum, T. Ummenhofer
Ultrasound excited thermography of load bearing members used in constructional steelwork
E. Saarimäki, P. Ylinen
An investigation of non-destructive thermographic inspection exploiting phase transition of water for moisture detection in aircraft structures
M. Souza
Defect detection in fiberglass reinforced epoxy composite pipes reproducing field inspection conditions
C. Spiessberger, A. Gleiter, G. Busse
Data Fusion of Lockin-Thermography Phase Images
M. Susa, X. Maldague, S. Svaic, I. Boras
The influence of surface coatings on the differences between numerical and experimental results for samples subjected to pulse thermography examination
W. Świderski, D. Szabra, M. Szudrowicz
Nondestructive Testing of Composite Armours by IR Thermography Method
W. Yang, L. Hui, L. Junyan
Experimental study of ultrasound excited lock-in thermography
C. Zöcke, A. Langmeier, R. Stößel, W. Arnold
A new technique to reconstruct the defect shape from Lockin thermography phase images
C. Ibarra-Castanedo, E. Grinzato, S. Marinetti, P. Bison, N. Avdelidis, M. Grenier, J-M. Piau, A. Bendada, X. Maldague
Quantitative assessment of aerospace materials by active thermography techniques
F. J. Madruga, C. Ibarra-Castanedo, O.M Conde, J.M Lopez-Higuera, X. Maldague
Automatic data processing based on the skewness statistic parameter for subsurface defect detection by active infrared thermography
Solid mechanics
M.Y. Choi, S.S. Lee, K.S. Kim, J.H. Park, W.T. Kim, K.S. Kang
Predicting the Dynamic Stress Concentration Factor Using the Stress Measuring Method Based on the Infrared Thermography
H.A. Crostack, R. Zielke, X. Feng, G. Fischer
Thermographic study of nucleation and propagation of Portevin-Le Châtelier bands
E.S. Lukin, A.M. Ivanov
Influence of material plasticity change on the evolved heat quantity of constructional steel subjected ECAP
E.A. Pieczyska, W.K. Nowacki, H. Tobushi, S. Hayashi
Thermomechanical properties of shape memory polymer subjected to tension and simple shear process
Thermographic system and components
M. Fidali, M. Mikulski
A chip black body model
G. Machin, R. Simpson, M. Broussely
Calibration and validation of thermal imagers
D. Rzeszotarski, B. Wiecek
Calibration for 3D Reconstruction of Thermal Images
M. Vilain, J.L. Tissot, O. Legras, C. Minassian, B. Fieque, J.M Chiappa
Uncooled amorphous silicon IRFPA with 25 ľm pixel-pitch for large volume applications
J. Banaszczyk, G. De Mey
Infrared thermography of electroconductive woven textiles
P. Bison, F. Cernuschi
Experimental evaluation of absorption coefficient of insulated vehicle sandwich panel
P. Bison, E. Grinzato
Measurement of building materials thermal properties in transient regime by IR thermography
C. Boué, D. Fourier
Infrared thermography measurement of the thermal parameters (effusivity, diffusivity and conductivity) of materials
R. Celorrio, M. Costa, S.M. Shibli, E. Apinaniz, A. Mendioroz, A. Salazar
Characterization of subsurface overlapping cylindrical inclusions by infrared thermography
M. Dąbrowski, R. Dulski, P. Trzaskawka, P. Zaborowski
Measurements of polymerization temperature of light-hardened dental materials by a thermal camera
G. Gralewicz, J. Woźny, B. Więcek, G. Owczarek
Detecting flaws in composite materials - thermal model and simulation results
D. Legaie, H. Pron, C. Bissieux, V. Blain
Thermographic application of black coatings on metals
A. Muscio
Measurement of thermal diffusivity by a modification of the Angstroem´s method using thermally short specimens
A. Salazar, R. Celorrio, A. Mendioroz, E. Apinaniz, A. Oleaga
Reconstruction of the hardening depth profile of steel rods
B.G. Vainer
Quantitative characterization of vapour adsorption on solid surfaces and estimation of emissivity of solids using infrared thermography
M. Maj, W. Oliferuk, O. Wysocka
Relation between defect depth and standard thermal contrast on the steel surface in pulsed thermography
Works of art
J.C. Candoré, J.L. Bodnar, F. Depasse, N. Horny, V. Detalle, P. Grossel
Approach of the characterization of delamination in mural paintings
J.C. Candoré, J.L. Bodnar, V. Detalle, P. Grossel
Non destructive testing of works of art by stimulated infrared thermography
C. Ibarra-Castanedo, S. Sfarra, D. Ambrosini, D. Paoletti, A. Bendada, X. Maldague
Subsurface defect characterization in artworks by quantitative PPT
M. Poksińska, A. Cupa, S. Socha-Bystroń
Thermography in the investigation of gilding on historical wall paintings
M. Poksińska, B. Więcek, A. Wyrwa
Thermovision investigation of frescos in Cistercian monastery in Ląd - Poland
A. Tavukcuoglu, P. Cicek, L. Tosun, E. Grinzato
Thermal Analysis of an historical bath (hammam) by quantitative IR thermography
J. Rogóż, A. Cupa, B. Więcek
The analysis of mural painting "The Crucifiction" in St. John the Baptist and St. John the Evangelist basilica in Toruń