Instructions for Authors
- Authors of oral
contributions and of posters are invited to
provide camera-ready papers for publications in
the Proceedings of the QIRT'98 which will
be published in the book format like at the
previous QIRT conferences. Corresponding authors
are asked to assign copyright to QIRT by
filling the Copyright transfer form provided.
- Camera-ready papers
written according to the Instructions for
Authors should be submitted at QIRT'98 on
Sept. 8th, 1998. Authors are
encouraged to provide also electronic version of
their camera-ready papers on diskette, so that
minor adjustment can be made directly.
- All papers delivered
on Sept. 8th will be reviewed.
Criteria for acceptance are:
- Technical and
scientific merit
- Paper written
according to Instruction for Authors,
- Drawing clean and
clear, no hand-written symbols,
- Relevant
literature and previous work properly quoted,
- Correct grammar
and English style.
Rules for authors
- Sheet
format: DIN A4 (white210x297),maximum of 6 pages
are allowed including figures, the font to be
used is Helvetica (or Arial) with the following
- title: 18 pts,
bold, justified,
- author list: 14
pts bold, right justified,
- affiliation; 10
pts justified, italic,
- abstract: 10 pts
- headings: left
adjusted 11 pts, bold,
- text: justified
11 pts with 10 points between paragraphs.
- Text area
is 160 mm (width) x 240 mm (height), (margins -
left, right 25mm, top 20mm, bottom 37mm).
- Headings and
sub-headings are numbered as follow:1 or
1.1. or 1.1.1.
- Allow an indentation
of 0.5 cm from the left margin for each
- Words in text that
are to be emphasized should not be underlined but
typed in italics.
- References in the
text must be called and reported in reference
section with square brackets. See the example for
more details.
- Equations are
numbered sequentially with numbers enclosed
within parenthesis and aligned on the right
margin. Equations are located 2.5 cm from the
left margin.
- Figures are gathered
at the end of the manuscript. Only high quality
laser prints or glossy black and white
photographs are acceptable. Type legends to
figures in single line spacing (10 points) and
place them below the figures. Laser prints should
be included directly in the manuscript. Where
photographs (half-tones) are to be reproduced,
leave the appropriate space. Enclose the original
photographs with the text. They should be glossy
prints in the size required or larger. Mark the
back of photographs clearly so there cannot be
any doubt where or which way up they should be
- Although a color
section will be included in the Proceedings,
authors are asked to restrict their use of colors
due to the high printing cost. For this reason
only one color figure per paper is allowed. Color
figures must not be pasted in the manuscript,
they should come into a separate envelope. Author
name and an arrow pointing to the top of the
figure must be written with a light pencil on the
back of the picture.
- An abstract of 70 to
100 words should be prepared and included with
the manuscript (see the example).
