Second Day - Wednesday, Sept. 9th
Okamoto Y., Kamoi A.,
Ishii T.
Thermal image analysis on internal and surface flaws
of materials by means of infrared radiometer
Storozhenko V.A.,
Tikhij V.G., Meshkov S.N., Melnik S.I., Judin A.A.
Thermography use for cellular structures defects
Storozhenko V.A.,
Melnik S.I., Oryol R.P., Krivoruchko V.I.
Thermovision information processing for definition of
local anomalies of internal structure of object
Pjatnitskaja G.,
Arlov B., Gusakova S., Segen A.
Thermovision thermography and holographic
interferometry at n-In-As hall sensor’s defectoscopy
and diagnostic
Varis J., Rantala J.
Thermal Nondestructive Evaluation of Copper Products
Using an Infrared Line Scanning Technique
Melnik S.I.,
Storozhenko V.A., Maslowa V., Bunduryan O.
Modeling of temperature fields in objects with
nonuniformity on the basis of representation about
isothermal waves
Cernuschi F.,
Ludwig N., Russo A., Teruzzi P.
Statistical based procedure for
defect sizing and experimental evaluation of the
convective effects using Video Pulse Thermography
(moved to oral sesion)
Peng Wen, Almond D.
NDE of CFRP Composites by transient thermography
Milazzo M., Ludwig
N., Poldi G.
Moisture detection through dynamic measurement of
Torgunakov V.G.,
Sukhanov M.S., Vavilov V.P., Yamanaev N.M.
The rotating cement kiln 3D computer model orientated
toward solving thermal nondestructive testing problems
Netzelman U., Walle
G., Vetterlein T., Meyendorf N.
High-speed pulsed thermography for characterization of
thin metallic coatings
(moved from oral sesion)
Systems and
R., Sawicki P., Wiecek B
Directional emissivity
correction by 3-D image reconstruction with automatic
Z., Chrzanowski K., Piatkowski T., Szulim M.
Infrared pyrometer for
temperature measurement of objects, emissivity of which
depends on avelength and time
Mularz S.,
Hejmanowska B.
Calibration of the thermal infrared imagery of the bare
soils using digital matrix thermometer (DMT)
Gotszalk T.P.,
Rangelow I., Szeloch R.F.
Black silicon as secondary standard of the black body
Kostek M., Madura
H., Polakowski H., Suley S.
FFast scanning pyrometer for temperature measurment
of car wheels
Milovanic D.,
Więcek B., Marinic A., Petrovic G, Barbaric Z.
A comparaative study of advanced frequency - domain
coding techniques in compression of infrared line-scan
Budadin O.N., Panin
V.F., Abramova E.V., Zadernyuk V.B.
.Recognition of defects and definition of their
characterics under automized, thermal non destructive
sheet rolled metal control
Gross W., Hierl Th.,
Schulz M
Evaluation of infrared focal plane array detectors
Thermal Waves
Salerno A., Maier T.,
Wu D., Busse G.
Lock-in thermography inspection of plastic pipes
under modulated internal pressure
Benko I., Koteles
G.J., Nemeth G.
New infra-red histographic investigation of the
effects of beta-irradiation in medical field
M., Milewski S., Ksiazek A.
The figurative recognition of
soft tissue injuries with infrared thermography
Deboa D., Trombska
M., Banach J.
Thermography in evaluation of circulatory
disturbances of periodontium
A., Zuber J. Wiecek B.
Zwolenik S.
Thermal and radiological image processing in
pneumonia monitoring
Harding J.R.,
Wertheim D.F., Williams R.J., Melhuish J.M., Harding
Infra-red imaging in diabetic foot ulceration
Harding J.R., Barnes
Is DVT excluded by normal thermal imaging? – An
outcome study of 700 cases
M., Galin G., Wiecek B.
Thermal imaging of temperature
changes in samples tensioned by testing machine
Kurilenko G.
Advantages of thermographic approach of fatigue
(moved from oral sesion)
B., Michalski A.
IR microscope measurement of
the plasma spreading in thyristors
Benko I.
Application of infra-red filtering in electronic
Kastek M., Madura H.,
Polakowski H.
IR camera and pyrometer used for woodworking process
Dulski R., Sikorski
Z., Niedziela T.
Modeling of infrared imaging for 3-D objects
Ghia V.V.
Method for combustion testing of intermediate fuel
Thermovison diagnosis of glass
Jaworski J.
The estimation of heat conductivity of building walls
by using thermal images
Lubecki A.,
Wójcik R.
Analysis of physical properties of
insulating materials used in architecture with
application of thermography
Lubecki A.,
Iwanczuk-Czernik K.
Analysis of temperatures and
humidity in cows sheds
Lubecki A.
Determination of accuracy of tread in car tyres with
application of thermography
S., Różański L.
Methodology of thermovision
investigations in the machine tools
Budadin O.N., Panin V.F., Abramova
E. V., Zadernyuk V.B.
Recognition of defects and definition of their
characteristics under automized, thermal non destructive
sheet rolled metal control
Cernuschi F.,
Ludwig N., Russo A., Teruzzi P.
A critical analysis and possible
modifications of two analytical models for defect sizing
using Video Pulse Thermography
(moved form oral
Cardone G., Meola C.,
Carlomagno G. M.
Convective heat transfer to a jet in cross-flow
Modelling of conjugate heat
transfer in microelectronics with variable fluid
Norgard J.,
Stubenrauch C., McReynolds K., Wil J., Seifert M.
Microvave holography using infrared thermograms for
measuring antenna paterns
